Word for 2012: Hope

Posted in: Faith, Nature | 7
rosehip blossoming
New Year’s rose

In early December, I scoured the ditches of my commute for something to put in my new dahlhaus vase. Soon, the gray-brown blur along the side of the road became rich in the subtle colours of British Columbia’s winter. Crimson and yellow branches, red berries, and bursts of white snowberries, blinking out from shadowy brambles. I was struck by the beauty of the snaking Salmon River that slices the plain south of Fort Langley into verdant green fields with margins of curled oat grasses and scraggly briers of raw umber.

Always the scavenger, I managed to find a wide enough muddy shoulder to pull over and pick some snowberries, and later a large enough branch of rosehips to draw blood when I wrestled it down. I love displaying wild branches, native to the land and the season.

And then last week…

…the rosehips sprouted spring leaves. I was surprised they were able to grow after being picked. Then on New Year’s Eve, I noticed the rosebud.

Now I haven’t been particularly optimistic or symbolic over the last few years, but I am going to accept this as some kind of sign of what 2012 could be for me. My friend Sarah at Emerging Mummy did a post where she chose one word for 2012, rather than making a resolution. Her word was fearless. I thought that concept seemed like an inspiring goal. Another friend picks one of the fruits of the spirit to focus on, such as love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control.

So what will my word for 2012 be? Hope. Believing that positive things will happen. Not giving up on paintings or trying again. With confidence, trusting that good things will come of our family by filling our home with the words and actions of love.

I am inspired by a few people I’ve seen recently who have written words of hope right on their walls or steps. I love the idea of having a family manifesto and playing it out to the best of our broken abilities.

These are just my off the cuff thoughts for the new year. I hope that I will have more to say on this topic as I explore it!

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