String painting for texture

Posted in: Art, Creative, Nature | 0

I was wondering how to advance this forest painting that I was working on in November. I wanted to create a tangled vine underbrush like what I see outside my window – a heap of pale winter berry bushes. I was using string a week or so ago for a craft I did with our kids, and decided that might work to create a different effect than my usual scratching into wet paint.

I think I will need to do some more work on it with more neutral and varied colours to create the depth I’m going for. I was monitoring my six-year-old’s first acrylic painting attempt at the same time, so I wasn’t as focused as usual. Right now it’s looking pretty jazzy! Stay tuned for more stages.

Painting is full of risk-taking and decision-making. I have grown a lot in managing these risks over the past ten years. I remember I used to get so frustrated or disappointed with how things turned out sometimes. Now I just let it dry, and see what I can do next time to carry the painting further. Deciding when to stop is also a delicate balance.

0 Responses

    • The Farmhouse Chronicles and Delight-filled Leaves Art

      I will post more pictures as it progresses. It’s funny how much faster some paintings are than others – some I just leave for weeks or months before being able to move forward on them. This is one that will probably take a year to finish. I was working on another one at the same time in November and it was finished back then…this one is a work in progress.

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