Collage progress & Kids art

Posted in: Art, Parenting | 0

It was good to get some “studio time” this week: read “home time.” I made a little progress on my collage. I mounted it on white water media paper, which gave it a bit more substance as artwork. Tentatively began adding some white and more form to the person; a few more items collaged in. I have some other elements on deck, waiting to be included.

It was lovely, actually, having a rainy day to just stay home and work on some paintings, spend time with the kids and do some cooking. I was getting very tired of the one kind of soup I had in the freezer to take to work for my lunches. Here are a couple photos of the kids, painting their favourite things. It’s interesting how differently they approach things. My son was done three paintings before my daughter and I were even completely set up.

My daughter is eager to “paint like mommy” and use my supplies, though the outcome is quite different!

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