The wrapped cube

Posted in: Art | 2
wrapped cube art
Plaster, leaves, thread

Communicating in 3-D is like a new language, similar to learning a new technology. For the last two weeks, I have been journeying through a creative process accompanied by a four inch cube of plaster. I was assigned to analyze it and later wrap it in something significant.

When I was given this task, I was reading Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death. My thoughts were centred on how new technology is impacting my social interactions and society in general. I had recently acquired my first cell phone, so I decided to document the cube every day on my blog.

I found that technology has thoroughly permeated my daily routines – has limited my need for face-to-face interaction, has entertained me to the point that I am losing contact with nature and consequently the depth of spirituality that I need to thrive.

To me, the cube symbolizes my core need for solitude. I wrapped it painstakingly in layers of dried leaves with thread. After completely coating it, I wrapped it in communication cords and computer parts and wiring.

Wrapping something draws attention to it, makes one look at it in a new way. I gained perspective on this assignment from the work of artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

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